
Even the most experienced runners have been known to develop medical problems during the course of a 13.1-mile event. The most common problems are weather related heat or cold stress, dehydration and exhaustion. Muscle strain, chaffing and blisters are also common occurrences. This advice sheet is intended to supplement any advice that you may have already received from your personal physician and trainers. If you have any current medical or mental health conditions that make running a half marathon a risk, such as, but not limited to diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, coronary history, or recent surgery, please:

  • Consult your doctor for clearance to run before the race! Notify the event medical staff in advance. Medical staff is located in the large white tent at the finish line on race morning. An EMT vehicle is located at the start line.
  • Place an “X’ across the front of your race number to let us know you may need extra care. On the back of the bib write the details of your condition, especially any medication that you may be taking.
  • If you are regularly taking medication prescribed by your physician, do not interrupt your routine.

Safety Tips

Before the event, eat familiar foods. Do not make any drastic changes. This means if you are not accustomed to pizza, do not eat pizza. Many people carbohydrate load prior to the race by increasing the intake of pastas, breads, potatoes, cereals, rice and sweets. At the same time your mileage should be reduced and the amount of rest you get increased. Excessive carbohydrate loading can cause stomach irritation.

Large volumes of fluid are lost though sweating. The body rapidly becomes dehydrated during the course of a half marathon. It is important to drink plenty of fluids for several days prior to the event, as well as during the race. Drink enough fluids to maintain an abundant amount of pale urine. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the race, even before you feel thirsty, especially during the first half. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks are dehydrating, thus, excessive consumption of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages can be dangerous prior to running a half marathon. If it is raining, continue to hydrate by mouth during the event. Rain does not substitute for internal hydration.

It is important to wear comfortable clothing. Irritating spots such as tags and seams should be examined. They can rub, irritate and possibly cause bleeding. This is also true for shoes. Make sure the shoes you are wearing are well broken in, yet still have plenty of life left in them. Blisters are a well-known nemesis to runners & walkers. Properly fitting shoes and quality socks can prevent such occurrences. Petroleum jelly or Glide may reduce irritation at sensitive spots such as nipples, inner thigh, underarms and toes. Check the weather prior to your arrival, as race mornings can be cool. Bring warm clothing to wear over your running clothes and use bag check to discard them, so they can be picked up at the finish.

Race Day
Make sure your relatives know your race number. Carry a cell phone. If you don’t feel well at the start of the race, DON’T RUN. Most medical emergencies occur with people who have not been feeling well prior to the event. If you feel feverish, have been vomiting, have diarrhea or any type of chest pain, it is unadvisable for you to jeopardize your health for one race. There is always next year, or another event. Wear appropriate clothing for the weather. ON A COLD DAY wear several layers that may be shed during the course of the race if needed. A hat and gloves are easily carried and prevent a great deal of heat loss. IF IT IS HOT, wear loose clothing, preferably a wicking material that enhances evaporation. If it is sunny, try to run in the shade as much as possible and drink whenever you can. Starting the race well hydrated will help prevent muscle cramping and dizziness in the later stages of the race.

The Finish Line
Do not sit still right after the race. Regardless of the weather, it is important to keep moving. Your circulatory system is your body’s antifreeze and coolant; therefore, your body needs to keep moving to keep your blood moving. If you stop too soon it is easy to become too hot and hyperthermic. It is equally important to keep moving in cold weather, because body movement produces heat and circulation prevents body parts from getting too cold. When you finish, change into warm, dry clothing. It is important that you change into dry clothes immediately. Keep drinking plenty of fluids to help relieve your body of muscular by-products. Fluids and food are available just past the finish line in the Post Race Celebration area at the. If you are feeling ill or weak, do NOT attend the Beer Garden. If attending the festival be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated through the rest of the day and be careful not to overindulge.